What Should I Expect?
Thanks for visiting the First Christian Church of Tempe (FCCT) website! Here is an idea of what you can expect when you visit our church.
Prior to the pandemic our small church typically experienced about 100 in attendance on any given Sunday. For those who have remained home during these difficult times we have made available recordings online of our services on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Folks who have returned to our in-person services tend to dress casually, however some wear more formal attire such as a dress, or shirt and tie. FCCT is full of friendly people in a relaxed environment.
Our main in-person services have returned to Sunday mornings. 9:30-10:15am we offer separate Sunday school classes for Adults as well as Children/Youth. Our contemporary worship service begins at 10:30am and is for all ages. We also have a separate class available for the Children/Youth.
During our Sunday worship service you can expect the following:​
Contemporary Worship: The worship band typically consists of guitars, bass, keyboard and drums and leads in the singing of modern worship songs and some traditional hymns in a contemporary style.
Communion: Pre-made and sealed communion is available to pick up in the foyer prior to service. During service we will have a communion message and a time of reflection when we can take communion.
Preaching from the Bible: Relevant messages to apply to daily living, grounded in the Word of God.
Offering: There is a locked box at the main entrance to the sanctuary for checks or cash. Online giving is also available.
Our service typically ends around 11:45am but folks like to stick around and visit. FCCT is a great place to meet friendly people and we invite you to join us. We hope you stop by!